Principle for Ametropic Correction of iLASIK Surgery
Procedures of Surgery
Introduction to Characteristic of Various Equipments
Selection of Surgery (Indication and Price)
Dos and Don'ts before and after Surgery

Dos and Don'ts before and after Cataract Surgery
Before surgery:
Keep a light-hearted mood, allowed to have normal diets;
Wear loose and comfortable clothes (avoid tight and high-necked clothes, and pullover);
Come to surgery accompanied by family members;
Do not stop taking medicines that usually taken, especially that the medicines for diabetes, asthma and hypertension should be taken as usual.
After surgery:
There would have itches and foreign body sensation, which are normal response when the cuts are healing. Do not rub your eyes and avoid holding children for injure prevention.
When washing face, do not splash water into face, while use a towel to clean your face lightly instead, and avoid touching your upper eyelid (for about a month). Use cotton dipped with normal saline solution to remove exudates softly everyday.
For some time after surgery, there will have the phenomenon of lacrimation, sensitiveness to light or red eye, can wear sunglasses to reduce the sensitiveness to light.
Drip the medicine to the eyes regularly. Please come back for treatment immediately in case of great pain for eyes or sharp vision loss, congestion and inflammation, increase in secretion, eyelid edema, etc.